These texts are guidelines for preparing award scrolls for the various awards given in the Barony of Nottinghill Coill. These are not the official scrolls for each of the awards, but rather are meant to show what each of the awards are, and what they are given for, and some of the wordings that can be used. You may also use other text, but clear it with Their Excellencies first.
Each scroll is different, and the blanks to be filled in to personalize it are shown on the following pages. If you are doing a scroll where the recipient, date, etc. are known, go ahead and fill in the required items. If you are making a blank scroll, make sure to leave enough room for each of the items to be filled in. If you are creating a blank scroll, it is a good idea to supply with it a copy of the entire alphabet (upper and lower case) done in the lettering style that you are using. This is so the scribe that fills in the blanks will be able to match the text style.
Items in angle brackets (< >) should be replaced with the corresponding word(s). For example:
Be it known to all unto whom these presents may come that <name> has rendered great and continuing service to the Barony of Nottinghill Coill [in the area of <area of service>], and does greatly deserve reward. Therefore, do we admit {him/her} to the Order of the Gordian Knot in recognition of these efforts.
Done by our hands this <day> of <month>, A.S. <year> [at <event>] [in <place>]
Baron Baroness
Let all men know that <name> has greatly entertained and enriched the people of the Barony of Nottinghill Coill {with his/her <area of performance> / in the area of performing arts}. We are therefore pleased to name {him/her} to the Order of the Coill's Muse.
Done by our hands this <day> of <month>, A.S. <year> [at <event>] [in <place>]
Baron Baroness
Let it be known to all that <name>, having served for the past year as Champion of the Barony of Nottinghill Coill, is hereby named to the Order of the Coill's Champion, in gratitude for {his/her} service.
Done by our hands this <day> of <month>, A.S. <year> [at <event>] [in <place>]
Baron Baroness
And when {he/she} walks upon the field of battle, {he/she} should walk with honor and with courtesy. For the prize comes from vanquishing the foes of the spirit as well as the foes of the flesh. Therefore, we deem it right and proper to name <name> a Companion of the Sword Knot.
Done by our hands this <day> of <month>, A.S. <year> [at <event>] [in <place>]
Baron Baroness
It is the works of its people by which a barony is judged, and in which the baron may take pride. The Baron's Award of Excellence was created to recognize those works which have been particularly pleasing to the baron. It is therefore my pleasure to bestow this award upon <name> in recognition of {his/her} <area of achievement>.
Done by my hand this <day> of <month>, A.S. <year> [at <event>] [in <place>]
The harmony of the barony springs from the grace and courtesy of its people. The Baroness's Award of Courtesy was created to recognize those who are exceptional in their display of these virtues that all might know them and endeavor to do likewise. It is right, therefore, that <name> should be recognized for {his/her} courteous behavior, both in times of stress and in times of calm.
Done by my hand this <day> of <month>, A.S. <year> [at <event>] [in <place>]
Be it known to all that <name> has rendered great and continuing service to the Barony of Nottinghill Coill [in the area of <area of service>], and does greatly deserve reward. Therefore, do we admit {him/her} to the Order of the Silver Knot in recognition of these efforts.
Done by our hands this <day> of <month>, A.S. <year> [at <event>] [in <place>]
Baron Baroness
Well do the people of fair Nottinghill know where they are best served. Let all know that <name> has well served the people of the Barony of Nottinghill Coill with {his/her} excellent feasts. Therefore, do we name {him/her} to the Order of the Pewter Spoon in recognition of {his/her} skills in planning and cooking feasts.
Done by our hands this <day> of <month>, A.S. <year> [at <event>] [in <place>]
Baron Baroness
In the trackless dark between the fires of habitation we seek out the lights that mean companionship and civilization. The Coill's Beacon recognizes and celebrates individuals who by deed and word act as guides to those seeking the lights of chivalry and courtesy. We choose today to recognize <name> for unstinting and longstanding service.
Done by our hands this <day> of <month>, A.S. <year> [at <event>] [in <place>]
Baron Baroness