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Passage to the East I: The English Anarchy
Battle Scenario Rules and Description
Which of the Conqueror's grandchildren shall rule England? Sir Æfred of Cres has
developed a set of castle and siege scenarios for heavy weapons fighters and combat archers that should satisfy even the stoutest of hearts. What follows are the rules of engagement and a site map for the combat scenarios are planned for the English Anarchy.

- Layout:
The first terrace line downhill from the feast hall, marks where Queen Matilda's Pavilion may be erected. The second terrace line represents the other boundary to the DMZ. Absolutely no fighting may occur between these lines. Stephen's Castle will be set up approximately half way between the second and third terrace lines. (Gloucester's Castle will be set up in the clearing to the right of the road.) The fourth terrace line denotes that point where forces may cross the road into the opponents territory. The road leading away from the feast hall denotes the boundary between the two opposing forces. Six cabins, which will be marked in appropriate colors, represent strategic objectives. You may only earn points for occupying opposing objectives.
- Timing
The war will start approximately at noon. It will run for three hours. After the first hour there will be a break. During that break there will be a championıs tournament. The participants of which will be chosen on the day of the event. Each side will be allowed to select four knights and four unbelted fighters to participate. Neither team leader may participate in the tourney. At the conclusion of the tourney a short break will ensue after which the war will resume. Scenario fighting will conclude at 3:00 P.M. All pick-up fighting will conclude at 4:00 P.M.
- Scoring:
Victory points may be earned as follows:
Condition |
Score |
Capturing / slaying Stephen or Gloucester |
25 Points |
Occupying an opposing castle |
50 Points |
Occupying a strategic objective for 5 minutes |
10 points |
Slaying an unbelted foe in combat |
2 Points |
Capturing an opposing knight |
Special |
Defeating an opponent in the champion's tourney |
5 Points |
Winning the champion's tourney |
15 Points |
An opposing knight may be captured by slaying him and his accompanying unit. A captured knight is required to give his parole and return directly to the opposing sideıs castle. There they will remain until ransomed by their side or until they choose to switch sides.
- Ransom:
Ransom can take the form of victory points, swapping of hostages, or material goods(imaginative ransoms are highly encouraged). Only duly designated heralds, Queen Matilda, o rEmpress Maud may negotiate ransoms. Additionally, heralds are authorized to escort captured knights to their home castle in order to facilitate negotiations. Under no circumstances may a herald be forced to give up his captives. Any heavy fighter found striking a herald will be removed from the field. (Heralds will be marked with distinctive tabards and wear eye protection but no other armor.)
- Changing Sides:
This occurred routinely during this period and so is encouraged during the war. If a knight chooses to change sides he may also ask his squires to join him, if he can find them on the battlefield. If they do change sides, they may not participate in any combat until officially marked. Likewise they may not be attacked until marked as having switched sides.
- Capturing Strategic Objectives:
Occupying the land within 10'of any of the designated cabins for a period of 5 minutes constitutes control. Control is interrupted if an opposing unit of heavy fighters engages your unit. (Archers can not interrupt control of an objective.) The controlling team must, upon approval of the on-site marshal, send a runner to the MOL to record the points. The occupying team must then move off and either engage another unit or return to their side of the border.
- Castle Siege:
A castle is considered taken if all itıs defenders are slain, captured or driven out. Occupants inside a castle are immune to arrow fire. A castle wall may be scaled in the following manner. Three opposing heavy fighters approach the castle wall single file. When they get within 20'
they must drop to their knees and traverse the remaining on their knees. The first fighter in the line approaches the wall. If there is a defender present, the attacker must fight the defender from his knees. If successful, the attacker may rise and cover the approach of his comrades. If the first attacker is slain, the defender then pushes the ladder away from the wall and all three defenders are killed. The castle wall may also be breached if the attacker is able to maintain a party of no fewer than 5 men within 15' of the wall, who are not engaged in combat for a period of 5 minutes. The marshal will then open a 5' breach in the castle wall. If either the attack is defeated or the attackers choose not to attack for a period of 5 minutes then the breach is sealed. There can be no more than one breach in a castle at a time. Additionally, anytime an attacker is within 20' of the castle wall and not engaged by a foe outside of the castle walls, he must be on his knees.
- Champion's Tourney:
This will be composed of eight fighters per side, with a like number of knights on each team. Gloucester and Stephan will choose which of their champions will fight in this single elimination list. The victor of each fight will earn points for his faction. Once all of one factionıs fighters have been eliminated, the tourney will be fought down to one remaining fighter who will earn additional points for his faction as well as honor and acclaim for himself. If an unbelt wins this tourney, he will be promoted to knight for the remainder of the war.
- MOLs:
One MOL will accompany Queen Matilda and Empress Maud. They will record any victory points used to ransom prisoners. There will also be two MOLs at the resurrection point to record deaths and points for strategic objectives.
Marshal in Charge:
Sir Ælfred of Cres (Tony Toich)